Saturday, June 30, 2012


Anal record keeper that I am, nothing I do is free of a system. This blog should have some rhyme and reason too, thought I, and hence it starts with a... census! Yes, the full list of us resin folk who are going to be frequent characters of here-posted stories and news articles. Here we go:

Currently with us

Fairyland RealPuki Tyni
Fairyland RealPuki Soso
Fairyland RealPuki Roro
Fairyland RealPuki PuPu
Fairyland PukiPuki Pipi - yours truly :)
Fairyland PukiPuki Piki
Fairyland PukiPuki Mary
Fairyland PukiPuki Sugar
Fairyland PukiFee Zoe
Fairyland PukiFee Ante
Fairyland LittleFee DES
Fairyland MiniFee Soo
Latidoll Yellow Lami
Dollfactory Kiki (piggy)
Pipos Cheese Mouse
BJTales Mouse
Dollzone Bunny
Elfdoll Mir
Leekeworld Mikhaila
Soom Dolomi
SoulDoll Sweet Angel (she is about to leave the crew though; her for-sale thread is coming up this weekend)
Doll Chateau Vivian
Doll Chateau Bella
Doll Chateau Hilary
Mushroom Peddler's Hoot the Owl
CharmCity Verse Philia
DreamHigh Studio Elvenia

Also, Fairyland Cupid multihead is waiting on a PukiFee body and will be complete and one of us then too!

Pre-ordered at the moment is Mushroom Peddler's Impling Willow.

Owners wishlist

Mushroom Peddler's Mini Dragon
Asella's Raspberry
R. Studio Walter (SD) +special face-up
Nappy Choo

She says that after getting BJTales Mouse, her 'grail doll', she funds it easier to say 'no' to new resin. Good, because it's getting kinda crowded around here. Although I've always believed, the more the merrier, and it's never boring :)

I will be doing a tabloid-style profile on each of us soon, but because it is MY blog, I cannot resist and post a picture of me. Enjoy!

(That is me trying on my wedding dress for the first time - taken last summer)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dairyland Meme: 10 rules for the hobby

I really like this meme: it actually made me think about my own good and bad habits, plus I learned quite a few useful things from the others here! I'll try my hand at it:

1. Make sure you have time.
To me this rule is even more important than the 'afford it' rule. There is nothing worse than a doll I worked hard to afford (but could), waited for a long time, prepared a character for and even clothes and props, and then I just have no time to use neither doll nor any of these things for it. I have gone down that path quite a few times now - if I ever think this situation is about to become permanent, I will seriously weed out my collection. Great dolls deserve lots of love :)

2. Make sure you have $$.
Even when I'm not actively buying/saving for more dolls, I constantly have 'dolly needs' - outfits, face-ups, wigs... Getting all those things for my dolls is just as important a part of this hobby for me. It doesn't have to be all the time, but once in a while I gotta get something new.

3. Make sure you have room.
On the long stretches between actively 'playing', I like to just look at my dolls. If I run out of room to display them, away from direct sunlight and dust, getting another one should be approached with even more consideration. I may even adopt 'one in - one out' motto.

4. Learn the skills.
I cannot do my own faceup or restring a doll, or sew/crochet as well as I'd like to. All of those shortcomings make the hobby either less enjoyable or more expensive for me - probably both, so I am working hard to learn some skills, starting with clothes-making.

5. Do not be afraid to try.
Direct addition to Rule 4 - often it is hard for me to even conceive trying to face-up or restring a doll myself; I am too scared to mess it up. But then, this is how one learns! Just wipe bad faceup and try again. And restringing will eventually work out too.

6. Be flexible with story / characters.
Sometimes, a great doll arrives and, turns out, he/she don't fit the character designated for them. Before selling the doll, it is always good to consider if there are acceptable changes that can be made to the story and / or character to accommodate the doll. I had to do this for my most recent arrival, DollChateau Bella, and I actually like her new role much better than the original I had in mind.

7. Do not buy too much stuff for the doll before it arrives, at least nothing that would interfere with Rule 6.

8. Make sure there is a story / character.
It is a very personal rule, but I find that dolls I buy on a whim without a place in my 'story' do not get as much attention as they deserve.

9. Build up your immunity to others' 'bugs'.
Seriously, I need to take vitamins or something :) First time in the hobby, I only wanted RealPukis - but after joining DoA, Fairyland fever hit me hard. Now I have almost recovered, yet at the same time seem to fall under Lati spell: it's my Best Dolly Friend's newest obsession. I know that they are way too cute for my own current tastes, but I keep looking them up and thinking of a story I could fit them into... Hopeless.

10. Don't let jealousy spoil the hobby for you.
There are people out there who do things better than me. If fact, there are so many people out there that do better things to the same dolls as mine - it is breathtaking. For any given doll, any given style - there is someone out there that already did the same thing, but better. Took better pictures, made better clothes, built better props. If I let that make me go out and spend more money, or enjoy what I have less, I might as well leave the hobby now, because it will always, always happen. it's so much better to admire and enjoy the work of others without letting competitiveness kick in and spoil the fun.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A blog to be reborn

DSC02391 by Miraclebabymouse
DSC02391, a photo by Miraclebabymouse on Flickr.

May this rose and this hopeful face be a reminder of my never-dying hope to revive this blog...