Sunday, November 25, 2012

Evolution of a Mouse


(in a dress by Smilga)

This is how she looked when she first arrived to me. Notice that she had a full face-up, body pushing and even adorable mani-pedi! My dream doll:


I have later discovered that she can wear PukiPuki clothes (and even stretchy RealPuki ones). Here below she is wearing a Puki miniskirt and RealPuki top (hand-knitted by Smilga) with a wig sold by Jpopdolls especially for her:


Eventually, I somewhat corrected this awful look by giving her a haircut and putting her in a matching Puki outfit (made for my Pukies by Poltorakota). I also swapped her eyes out for more natural-looking ones (I also tried some with smaller iris, but they were a disaster):


Then, I ordered a wig by catesch with a flower wreath, a couple of dresses by Rella and on top of that, totally accidentally, traded my PukiFee Ante for a GORGEOUS dollhouse by bevwales (there are also more for sale). Under the jump, there are many pictures of her showing of those dresses and the new home. Enjoy!

Friday, November 16, 2012

BJD 30-day Challenge: Day 30

Q: Have you ever been to a doll meetup? Did you enjoy it/do you plan to go to one in the future?

A: I imagine these meet-ups to be a lot of fun, but I have never attended one. I want to, however! And I probably will, at least one time, and probably many more unless I get disappointed - or grounded by my husband for spending too much money :)

The biggest European con - LDoll - has always been my dream destination, but something always came in the way (like, kids; ha!) and I still don't give up home to get there one day. In fact next year, if I'm still in Germany (which is uncertain at the moment), i have tentative plans again to come to LDoll with my first ever dolly friend. I think she would enjoy it and we'd have the time of our lives!

If I miss LDoll... I'll just die! (joke ;)) Seriously, if I miss LDoll and even if not, I'll probably try to go to one of the big US cons - there are several ones throughout the year in different states. There are also amateur collector meet-ups which can be lovely too. I think I would only go to those if they were not too far from wherever I live, though.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

BJD 30-Day Challenge: Day 29

Q: Post a picture of your dolls exploring the outside world!

A: I looooove to take pictures of the dolls in the garden! I was surprised I didn't do it more often :) Here's one, for instance:


This is one of my finest roses she's sleeping on :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

BJD 30-day Challenge: Day 28

Q: Post a crazy/silly pose!



She doesn't want to be seen without face-up! :)) (Part of the box opening shot)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

BJD 30-day Challenge: Day 27

Q: Do you have a favourite out of your own dolls? (Don’t worry, we won’t tell the others ;D)

I always say that BJtales Mouse is my grail doll, the pinnacle of my collection. In fact, judging by the amount of spoiling it receives (handmade dollhouse, exclusive dresses and wigs, etc.) it is easy to see that she is, in fact, my favorite BJD. But deep in my heart, I'm attached to Nefer Kane's weird, anti-cute, unique, amazing Humpty Dumpty. One day I will make a separate post about her, for it's not just the doll that has my heart, it is also the story of its purchase and, most importantly, of my and Nefer's friendship.
So here are both of them:

Mouse with the house :)
Camera Roll-440

Humpty Dympty -
My Photo Stream-31

Sunday, November 4, 2012

BJD 30-day Challenge: Day 26

Q: Done your own faceups? (Again, do you think you’d do that?)

I should try, as I have pastels and paint and can easily get MSC. Experimenting could be fun and waaaaaay cheaper than getting professional face-ups. But... Probably this won't ever happen, for two reasons:
- No. Effing. Time.
- 99% of dolls I buy already have faces-up. Especially artist dolls: this way, they are completely formed by the original author, start to finish.