Sunday, November 25, 2012

Evolution of a Mouse


(in a dress by Smilga)

This is how she looked when she first arrived to me. Notice that she had a full face-up, body pushing and even adorable mani-pedi! My dream doll:


I have later discovered that she can wear PukiPuki clothes (and even stretchy RealPuki ones). Here below she is wearing a Puki miniskirt and RealPuki top (hand-knitted by Smilga) with a wig sold by Jpopdolls especially for her:


Eventually, I somewhat corrected this awful look by giving her a haircut and putting her in a matching Puki outfit (made for my Pukies by Poltorakota). I also swapped her eyes out for more natural-looking ones (I also tried some with smaller iris, but they were a disaster):


Then, I ordered a wig by catesch with a flower wreath, a couple of dresses by Rella and on top of that, totally accidentally, traded my PukiFee Ante for a GORGEOUS dollhouse by bevwales (there are also more for sale). Under the jump, there are many pictures of her showing of those dresses and the new home. Enjoy!





Camera Roll-441

Camera Roll-434

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