And now he's settling in on my art doll shelf :) Here are some more shots of him - and his story by the artist can be read here ::::
Onto some more exciting news (err, not more exciting, more news :))) - Remjie recently had a slot open for a pre-order. Which she never does. No pre-orders, no commissions. One slot. And it IS MINE. She will make a mini-doro for me, with olive-green fur and dark-green undertones to her face and neon-green eyes. She is really working out great and her name will be Gaia <3 (ok, off the starry-eyed fan-girl mode, LOL) I got to pick the species and colors. For general reference, this is what a doro looks like (mini-doro is the smaller one, obviously ;))
Ellu_and_Akua by =Remjie-Malham on deviantART