Moreover, I did not even like Bo Bergemann dolls until now.
And then I saw her... This is the photo that made me discover all about Bo Bergemann, dig her site up, decide that I indeed liked and LOVED her sculpts, contact Bo, and even order another doll because no way I was paying £450 for this one, although she's worth every shilling:
But then I kept on coming back to Sophia's listing. And I saw her price go down to £400. More than fair, a steal for a full-set doll with an artist face-up! But I had no money to spare, period. But even so, I was so tempted I actually started writing a message to the seller (but later deleted it). Twice.
Then something breathtakingly amazing happened. Something so magical I can hardly explain. I think i will write a separate post about it... You see, I had money set aside to buy Nefer Kane's Nexeven. If you go read her story, you'll know why I had to have her, no ifs or buts. However... one night when I was down, sad, depressed and drowning, Nefer lifted me up spiritually. And not only that. She giftedme Nexeven.
Well, that night I could only cry tears of joy and gratitude. The next night, however, I was out there looking at Sophia again. And I saw her price come down to £350!!!
I wrote the message to the seller instantly, and sent it that time. And upon her reply (pretty much instant) paid her - with the money I had set aside for Nexeven previously. And the doll was delivered today.
Unfortunately, my baby boy (3 months old) also got his first set of shots today. So there are no good photos to display, but the box opening ones with a mandatory backdrop of my comforter :) are here for your viewing "pleasure" (behind the fold). And HERE you can read more about this doll's amazing body, appropriately called Dream Doll body. There will be a new doll using it, coming soon - Emily. But now, more of my gorgeous full-set Sophia: