Friday, November 16, 2012

BJD 30-day Challenge: Day 30

Q: Have you ever been to a doll meetup? Did you enjoy it/do you plan to go to one in the future?

A: I imagine these meet-ups to be a lot of fun, but I have never attended one. I want to, however! And I probably will, at least one time, and probably many more unless I get disappointed - or grounded by my husband for spending too much money :)

The biggest European con - LDoll - has always been my dream destination, but something always came in the way (like, kids; ha!) and I still don't give up home to get there one day. In fact next year, if I'm still in Germany (which is uncertain at the moment), i have tentative plans again to come to LDoll with my first ever dolly friend. I think she would enjoy it and we'd have the time of our lives!

If I miss LDoll... I'll just die! (joke ;)) Seriously, if I miss LDoll and even if not, I'll probably try to go to one of the big US cons - there are several ones throughout the year in different states. There are also amateur collector meet-ups which can be lovely too. I think I would only go to those if they were not too far from wherever I live, though.

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