Friday, March 15, 2013

Shademon Trickster by Remjie

If you are into art dolls and critters, you surely know Remjie. This link will take you to her dA, but she also has a site with things for sale - only her dolls are usually sold within, like, minutes. There used to be times when I would see the doll show up at her site and be gone in five minutes, literally! Only more expensive once stick around for days sometimes. But this one (the one dA link opens to), it stayed there and stayed there. I think its been a month? Other dolls would come and go, and he would still be listed for sale. And one day I looked at him and realized: he was waiting for me to get him. So the first chance i had, I did.

And now he's settling in on my art doll shelf :) Here are some more shots of him - and his story by the artist can be read here ::::

Shademon Trickster

Shademon Trickster

Shademon Trickster

Shademon Trickster

Shademon Trickster

Onto some more exciting news (err, not more exciting, more news :))) - Remjie recently had a slot open for a pre-order. Which she never does. No pre-orders, no commissions. One slot. And it IS MINE. She will make a mini-doro for me, with olive-green fur and dark-green undertones to her face and neon-green eyes. She is really working out great and her name will be Gaia <3 (ok, off the starry-eyed fan-girl mode, LOL) I got to pick the species and colors. For general reference, this is what a doro looks like (mini-doro is the smaller one, obviously ;))

Ellu_and_Akua by =Remjie-Malham on deviantART

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