Monday, August 20, 2012

BJD 30-day Challenge: Day 12

Q: What do your friends think about your dolls / dolls in general?

A: Well, considering I tend to pick up friends in the hobby, most of them are into BJDs - in fact I met some of my best friends this way, or the hobby has deepened our relationship. I have two best friends in the realm of BJD now: one was my LJ acquaintance until we discovered we're both into dolls, the other I met on a crochet (another hobby of mine) board. In fact she was the one who invited me to DoA and largely shaped my early BJD tastes. Every day in the community I meet people who are super-nice, and I consider some of them my friends even if we only talk online.

My IRL friends don't know much about my hobby, we do not discuss it and I don't feel an overwhelming need to share. Why would I, since I have such a great circle of 'dolly friends'? :) I do tell all about BJDs when asked, but without preachy connotations. I don't believe that this hobby is for everyone nor do I think I can effectively introduce someone to it, being a distracted collector and all :)

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